Ayurveda & Yoga Course

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100HR Ayurveda Yoga Teacher Training

The Sacred Paths Yoga 3 month 100hr Ayurvedic Yoga Teacher Training Program blends the sister sciences of Ayurveda and Yoga to provide a holistic approach to not only your yoga teaching but also your life. This online program is designed for yoga teachers, wellness counselors, healthcare professionals, caretakers and any soul interested in a deep dive into Ayurvedic theory, philosophy and practices.
Yoga Alliance Continuing Education Credits
For Yoga Teachers, this program provides 100 hours of Continuing Education Credits and an opportunity to design yoga classes which align with the wisdom of Ayurveda. This program will also expand your services beyond the mat as you will be prepared to offer Ayurvedic lifestyle recommendations to your students. Topics covered include the History of Ayurveda, Philosophy, the 5 Elements, the 3 Doshas, the Subdoshas, Ayurvedic Nutrition, Agni, Ama, Ojas, Dhatus, Yoga, Meditation and Pranayama.
Pre-Recorded Lectures
During Our Online Ayurveda Yoga Teacher Training, you will have access to our Ayurveda YTT Video Content & full course curriculum. These pre-recorded classes & lectures will focus on the core aspects of Ayurveda & how to apply them into your yoga teaching & life.
Our videos will give you flexibility in your schedule while still following a time guideline for completing the course.
What to Expect

- Experienced, Talented, Knowledgeable & Dedicated Facilitators
- Meditation & Pranayama
- Ayurvedic Asana Practice
- Foundations of Ayurveda
- In Depth Doshas
- Intention Setting
- Cultivating Ritual
- Yoga Nidra
- Personalized Approach
- Friends, Family & Community
Course Format
The Sacred Paths Ayurveda Yoga Online Teacher Training is a 3 month journey divided into 8 cycles or Units. To complete the course in the 3 month time frame we suggest to dedicate 1 – 2 hrs per day. However, you can extend your graduation date and work at your own pace by following our curriculum flow.
- Tridoshic Yoga Asana Class
- Tridoshic Meditation
- Intro to Ayurveda
- Intro to Sankhya Philosophy
- Ayurveda’s 3 Pillars of Life
- Ayurveda’s 4 Goals of Life
- The 5 Elements
- Tridoshic Theory (Vata, Pitta, Kapha)
- Prakruti & Vikruti
Ritual & Balance
- Practice: Yoga for the Current Season
- Seasonal Ayurveda & the Ayurvedic Clock
- Introduction to Dinacharya
- The 5 Sense Therapies
- Ayurvedic Aromatherapy
Vata Dosha
- Practice: Vata Pranayama & Meditation
- Prana Vayu Lecture
- Samana Vayu Lecture
- Vyana Vayu Lecture
- Udana Vayu Lecture
- Apana Vayu Lecture
- LIVE Q&A PRACTICE: Vata Balancing Yoga
Pitta Dosha
- Practice: Pitta Pranayama & Meditation
- Pachaka Lecture
- Ranjaka Lecture
- Alochaka Lecture
- Sadhaka Lecture
- Bhrajaka Lecture
Kapha Dosha
- Practice: Kapha Pranayama & Meditation
- Kledaka Lecture
- Bodhaka Lecture
- Avalambaka Lecture
- Shleshaka Lecture
- Tarpaka Lecture
Building Immunity
- Practice: Awaken Agni & Dispel Ama Yoga
- Practice: Cultivate Ojas Yoga
- Agni: Your Inner Fire
- Ama: Toxin Free
- Ayurvedic Nutrition
- 15 Guidelines for Healthy Eating
- All About Ojas
Journey w/ 7 Dhatus
- Practice: Dhatu Balancing Yoga
- Rasa Dhatu
- Rakta Dhatu
- Mamsa Dhatu
- Medas Dhatu
- Asthi Dhatu
- Majja Dhatu
- Shukra Dhatu
Bringing it all Home
- Final Exam
- Yoga Nidra
- Final Lecture
- Closing Ceremony
Optional ADD ON
1-on-1 Ayurvedic Consulting
Students have the option of ADDING ON an ongoing 1-on-1 Ayurvedic Check In with your facilitators, Laurel Odom and Trudy Collings. In this Check In, you will discover your Prakruti and Vikruti, how your mind, body and spirit are connected with the circadian rhythms of nature and how to bring balance into your life. Laurel and Trudy will help you incorporate Ayurveda into your daily rituals.

We view yoga as a spiritual practice, as a path to self-realization, union, bliss, conscious connection, deepened awareness and mindful living. Throughout this process we explore different paths to Union including movement, song, dance, chanting, ceremony and more! In this journey, we embody yogic living, fully immersing ourselves in the experience of living and breathing this practice on and off our mat with our beloved community as our unwaivering support system. This path asks for dedication, discipline and courage to look deep within to uncover our truth and our own authentic connection. Without our daily distractions, habits and patterns, a new way of perceiving the world is revealed.
Everyone is accepted, supported and encouraged through their process. Through our community we create a comfortable safe space to facilitate growth and expansion on all levels.
Upon completion of the coursework and evaluation, participants will receive a certification of completion for 100hr Ayurveda Yoga Course. For those that are Yoga teachers this will then enable you to register with Yoga Alliance for Continuing Education Credits (YACEP.)
Pay In Full
$1600 USD
Payment Plan
- + $108 Admin Fee
- 1/3 deposit, 2nd payment in 30 days & 3rd payment in 60 days
Ayurveda Yoga Teacher Training Prerequisites

Our 100hr Ayurveda Yoga Teacher Training program is open to practitioners of all levels and abilities, from beginner to advanced. We offer modifications and variations of the poses so you can cultivate a practice that fits your needs and so that you can teach classes that are accessible to all populations.
This course is not only developed for those who are yoga teachers but also for those who have intention to deepen their own knowledge, to become integrated in Ayurveda & yoga. To step into a spiritual journey of soul and to heal, reveal and awaken.
Reading List

Required Texts for Course
General Reading Recommendations:
- Yoga for Your Type: An Ayurvedic Approach to Your Asana Practice by Dr. David Frawley & Sandra Kozak
- Ayurveda: The Science of Self-Healing by Dr. Vasant Lad
- Ayurveda & the Mind by Dr. David Frawley
- Healthy, Happy, Sexy: Ayurveda Wisdom for Modern Women by Katie Silcox
- The Ayurvedic Cookbook by Amadea MorningstarLight on Life by BKS Iyengar
- Autobiography of a Yogi by Paramahansa Yogananda
- The Power of Now by Eckhart Tolle
- The Four Insights: Wisdom, Power, and Grace of the Earthkeepers by Alberto Villoldo
- The Alchemist by Paulo Coelho