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Nikki Nie, E-RYT500hr

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Nikki Nie is a 500 hr Registered Tantric Hatha Yoga and Meditation teacher and under the Sri Vidya lineage she masterfully facilitates spaces for people to empower their energy and ultimately their life! She is also an Ayurvedic Wellness Coach and Reiki + Sound Practitioner and uses these modalities to initiate deep transformation in her students so they can remember their true nature and have the self-love and holistic tools to live out their dharma!

Her abundance of knowledge and nurturing yet commanding vibe has magnetized her own global community creating classes for Fabletics, PopSugar, Hyperice, Tonal and Kinrgy, as well as sharing on Oprah’s 2020 Vision Tour and virtual seminars with Tony Robbins. She has received her B.F.A. in Dance and Minor in Communications from Cal State University Long Beach and used that to dance her way through the film and television industry in Los Angeles for over a decade. Through that time she refined her understanding of the body and uses that connection to inform her classes, and somatic experiences.

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