Daniel Castro, E-RYT500hr

Daniel Castro is an E-RYT500 Yoga teacher and Costa Rican Native. His first contact with Yoga was through his uncle who was a practitioner of Vaishnavism. Ever since he was a little kid he was related to the images and worship of different Hindu deities, mostly Krishna. In his teenage years he started researching about Hinduism and Buddhism, by his early twenties he was already practicing Raja Yoga (meditation) and eventually moved into asana practices.
Daniel has a deep love for learning and has reached a depth of knowledge in different theoretical concepts of the Yoga practice, that, combined with his passion for anatomy makes his classes the perfect combination between a well educated physical practice that has profound levels of philosophical wisdom at the same time.
Daniel has been teaching and refining his methods for over 12 years, learning from the Iyengar, Ashtanga and the Yin Yoga traditions, he’s also co-hosting, assisting and leading teacher trainings for 3 years and going.
On top of that, Daniel is very in tune with the Red Path, which is the path of many Latin American traditions that follow the teachings of the ancient cultures who have inhabited the continent, he has participated and assisted countless ceremonies of traditional medicine as well as Temazcales, he also leads Cacao ceremonies and is an experienced Thai massage therapist.