Plant Bath

 In Shaman & Ceremony

One of our favorite practices is the ritual of a Plant Bath aka Shamanic Healing Bath.  It is such a simple yet profound experience.  Local herbs and flowers are gathered and prepared in a bath.  Each herb and flower has a specific medicinal property along with the cleansing essential oils within the plants.  The herbs and flowers are boiled over an open fire creating a pleasant smelling tea.  We then dilute the boiling water with cool mountain river water till we have found the ideal temperature.  

Plant baths are taken outside in nature.  You can find a private space to return to your natural state, take a small handheld bucket and pour the water over head allowing the warmth to flow and cleanse the body.  The essential oils clean the skin and the medicinal properties of the plants heal ailments such as pain, cramping, headaches, altitude sickness, pms systems and more.  

Plant baths may be performed in the day under the bright sun or in the evening under the bright stars.  It is encouraged to take a Plant Bath everyday and we normally offer them after each ceremony such as Déspacho, Temescal, and Power Plant Ceremonies.

Plant baths are an ancient tradition and you can find cultures creating different plant baths all over the world.

Common Herbs Used in Peruvian Plant Bath

  • Ruda
  • Rosemary
  • Lavender
  • Chamomile
  • Moye (black pepper leaves)
  • Muña (mint)

Flower Baths are another common practice found around the world!  The Andean Flower Bath often uses wild white roses boiled in water for a few hours and then cooled with mountain water.


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