Jamie Thrasher | Canada


This advanced yoga teacher training became more to me than just your typical training. It became a tight-knit community to which I felt like I was home. It became the place to where I could explore my current understanding of yoga and dig deeper; it became the place where I could let go of all the stories that held me back; it was the place where I felt completely supported to come more in sync with my truest self.

I really enjoyed the more technical classes that were taught about Ayurveda, alignments, and adjustments. I feel this added so much knowledge to my own personal practice as well as more insight into how to help all of my future students.

What I loved the most was the various spiritual avenues that were integrated into our daily routine. Just some of the things we did were chanting, kirtan, ceremonies, chakra and element studies, chi gong, and Reiki. I really valued the time that was taken to explore these topics and the care that was brought in by all of the facilitators to give us an enriching experience. I feel confident on offering what I’ve learnt to my students and I feel inspired to continue studying more.

Overall, all of the facilitators, Darin, Lacey, and Sri  had so much knowledge to offer, they were 100% focused on the individual and group needs, they were very open and honest, and you can tell they are super passionate about what they are doing which always makes learning easier and more fun.

To top all of that off, Indigo resort was very beautiful in a tranquil area and every single day we had fantastic meals made by the staff. All of the Indigo staff was also very accommodating to everyone’s needs making it a fantastic accommodation.


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