Maria Unger | New York


This Teacher Training that I received from Sacred Paths Yoga, make me stop, turn around and see that was another world alive, the Spiritual World, that I discovered through Yoga. I came to this training to learn more about yoga poses to get physically fit. But I found something more deeper, physical and Spiritual development. Also the combination of videos and live meetings make me to open my eyes and beyond. The videos gave us the information needed. The live meetings brought us (all peers & Teachers) togetherness, be able to express our thoughts, concerns, feelings and our questions to be answered when needed.|This Teacher Training that I received from Sacred Paths Yoga, make me stop, turn around and see that was another world alive, the Spiritual World, that I discovered through Yoga. I came to this training to learn more about yoga poses to get physically fit. But I found something more deeper, physical and Spiritual development. Also the combination of videos and live meetings make me to open my eyes and beyond. The videos gave us the information needed. The live meetings brought us (all peers & Teachers) togetherness, be able to express our thoughts, concerns, feelings and our questions to be answered when needed.


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