Jennie Sutherland | United Kingdom


Sacred paths yoga training has truly transformed my life and really allowed me to learn fully about the whole experience of yoga. I have had access to fantastic resources, great teachers and mentors as well as the wonderful class content that has had me laughing and crying and feeling so grateful for this journey. Thank you sacred paths, I don’t think I could of found any other training program that was more perfect for me than this one, you aren’t just teachers, you make everyone feel like one big family, I can’t wait to continue my training with you on the next levels up|Sacred paths yoga training has truly transformed my life and really allowed me to learn fully about the whole experience of yoga. I have had access to fantastic resources, great teachers and mentors as well as the wonderful class content that has had me laughing and crying and feeling so grateful for this journey. Thank you sacred paths, I don’t think I could of found any other training program that was more perfect for me than this one, you aren’t just teachers, you make everyone feel like one big family, I can’t wait to continue my training with you on the next levels up


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