Guatemala | 200-hour Yoga Teacher Training

Please review the following information as you begin to prepare for your Yoga Teacher Training Course in

Tzununa, Lake Atitlan, Guatemala.


This experience will be hosted at the Lomas de Tzununa retreat center overlooking Lake Atitlan with stunning views of the surrounding volcanoes located in Tzununa, Lake Atitlán, Guatemala.

They are dedicated to rejuvenating holistic practices and healing modalities as well as preserving Mayan traditions and practicing sustainability and permaculture. Dive deep into the refreshing natural beauty of this stunning landscape. Within the vast, majestic horizons, you’ll find a deeper connection with your heart’s song and a rejuvenated sense of well being.


Lake Atitlan is known as the “Land of Eternal Spring.”  The weather is surprisingly hot in the sun and surprisingly cold in the shade.  During the Late Night and Early Morning hours it can get cold so please bring layers of clothing with you in order to adapt with the changing temperatures.


Lomas De Tzununa, Tzununa, Guatemala


Phone/WhatsApp: +502 5201-8272



Lomas De Tzununa is located lakeside in Tzununa, Lake Atitlan, Sololá State, Guatemala.  It is approximately 2 hrs 30 minutes from Guatemala City Airport to Panajachel where you can take a taxi boat directly to the Lomas de Tzununa dock.  It is also 3 hrs 30 min to drive from Guatemala City Airport to San Marcos La Laguna Lake Atitlan where you can take a tuk tuk to the center

  • We suggest to go from Guatemala City Airport to Antigua (Shuttle $12 USD) and spend a night in Antigua. Then take a shuttle the next morning to Panajachel and take the boat to Lomas De Tzununa. Shuttles can be booked at any hotel or hostel (more info below.)


  • The shuttle company from Guatemala City Airport to Antigua is located at a kiosk just before exiting the Guatemala City Airport.  Reservations are not required.  The shuttle runs between 6 am – 10 pm and is $12 USD.


    • Try for hotels and hostels in Antigua (Selina’s is a popular and safe hostel, dorm beds are as low as $8 USD.)


  • It is possible to book private cars/vans leaving from Guatemala City or Antigua to Panajachel and then take a public taxi boat which will drop you off at the Lomas De Tzununa dock.
  • Or you can book a private car/van leaving from Guatemala City or Antigua to San Marcos La Laguna and take a Tuk Tuk taxi the rest of the way.

RELAXICAB  WhatsApp Number:  +502 3073 0413 (Martha)

Prices below are appoximate:

  • 1 person Q600
  • 2 people Q700
  • 3 people Q800


  • Most hotels in Antigua can help to book your Shuttle to Panajachel or San Marcos, Lake Atitlan.  We suggest the 8:30 am shuttle which arrives around 1 pm (approx. $20 USD)
  • We can also provide you with a WhatsApp number of a shuttle service so you can message and book directly. Private transportation from the airport is approx. $100 USD. You can book private transportation directly from the Airport or your hotel in Antigua.

***Please note that the shuttle sometimes drops you off in San Pablo la Laguna which is the neighboring town to San Marcos La Laguna.  If that is the route, then the shuttle company will include a Tuk Tuk (for free) to take you the last 10 minutes to San Marcos La Laguna from there you can transfer to Tzununa or ask your Tuk Tuk driver to take you the rest of the way.***


You can also book your shuttle from GUA or Antigua with Xocomil Tours.  They do not speak English but do have WhatsApp  +502 49372368

There is a location for Sacred Paths Yoga on Google Maps. The course is NOT held at this location so please follow the above directions.


It is important that everyone make full tuition payment before the training begins. Please remember there is a cost for Tuition and a separate cost for Room/Board (price varies).

If you still owe tuition or room/board payment, please contact us to reconcile your bill. Thanks for your prompt payments:


  • Fly to Guatemala City, Aurora International Airport (GUA)


We recommend travel insurance from World Nomads.  Check with your local insurance provider first to see if you are insured while traveling.

Travel Booking websites: It is a good idea to book your flights as early a possible to receive the best prices. Flights that leave midweek can also be less expensive


  • You can access ATMs in Guatemala City, Antigua, Panajachel, San Pedro and San Marcos La Laguna (the San Marcos ATM is not very reliable and is often out of cash)
  • If you have cash (USD/ Euros), you can exchange at the bank or currency exchange tiendas but they will usually only except 100’s in perfect condition (any tear, pen mark or stamp will make the bill void in Guatemala)
  • Make sure to contact your bank before you leave your country regarding your travel dates so you can access money from your bank/ATM.
  • We recommend against travelers checks, as they are not accepted everywhere.
  • Approximate Exchange rates $1 USD = 7.5 Guatemalan Quetzales


We will be reaching out to co-ordinate each students arrival time so that staff can help to bring your bags to your room. Please be prepared to tip the staff for carrying bags up to the center from the dock. We suggest $5 USD per large item.  It is best to arrive between 12 pm – 4 pm on the first day of your course.

On the first day of the training the schedule will be:

  • 12 pm – Check In Begins
  • 4 pm – Optional yoga class
  • 6 pm – Dinner
  • 7 pm – Opening Ceremony


On the last day of the training we will finish by 10 am.  


Our daily schedule will generally be:

  • 06:00 am – 09:00 am   Meditation. Pranayama and Asana practice
  • 09:00 am – 10:00 am   Breakfast and Self Sadhana
  • 10:00 am – 11:00 am     Spiritual Lesson, Intention of the day
  • 11:00 am – 12:00 pm     Yoga Sutras/ Yoga Anatomy
  • 12:00 pm – 01:00 pm    Special Topic
  • 01:00 pm – 03:00 pm   Lunch and Self Sadhana
  • 03:00 pm – 06:00 pm   The Art of teaching/ Art of touch
  • 06:00 pm – 07:00 pm   Dinner/Self Sadhana
  • 07:00 pm – 08:00 pm   Sacred Circle Satsung


Every 5th day is an off day.  There will be 3 days off during the training. Excursion options include:

  • Cultural Tours
  • Waterfall tours
  • Volcano hikes
  • Sunrise Stand Up Paddle Boarding (highly recommended!)
  • Kayaking
  • Massage/spa services
  • Handicraft markets

All extra activities vary in price, most can be arranged on arrival or the day before your planned excursion.


We will make arrangements to make up any missed days during the program. Typically, it is not a problem and you can get everything completed during the course.


There are a few required books for the program.

  • SPY Yoga Teacher Training Manual – we will have it waiting for you at the training site.


  • The Yoga Sutras of Patanjali (There are many authors to choose from we suggest translations by Dennis Hill, Nischala Joy Devi,  Satchittananda or Iyengar)

*Additional books that you may be interested in can be found on the SPY website


The food provided is vegetarian, grown locally and organic when possible.

If you have certain dietary needs or restrictions, please let us know (i.e., gluten, dairy, nut preferences sensitivities or allergies.)

Water: Filtered water will be provided. In general, do not drink tap water in Guatemala without first purifying.


We recommend you consult with your doctor prior to your trip to get any questions answered.


  • Refillable Water Bottle
  • Bathing suits
  • Hat (for Sun & Night Time Cold)
  • Sunglasses
  • Sun Block
  • Biodegradable shampoo, soap, etc
  • All-natural bug repellent (All Terrain, Herbal Armor and Burts Bees are great!)
  • Lightweight, long-sleeved shirts and pants
  • Warm Sweater, Poncho
  • 5 yoga outfits
  • T-shirts and shorts
  • Hiking Boot/Shoes (lightweight)
  • Headlamps and flashlights (a headlamp is needed!)
  • Yoga Mat or Yoga Towel (there are mats at the retreat center however it is nice to have your own mat)
  • White or other ceremonial dress
  • Any snacks/superfoods you like between meals
  • Musical Instruments
  • Art Supplies
  • Journal and pens
  • Course Textbooks
  • Combination Lock or Other Lock for Personal Security Locker


While overall Guatemala is a safe country with very kind people there is a high rate of robbery and theft. In all parts of Guatemala do not walk at night alone or hike alone.  Groups of 3 or more are suggested.  If you are walking around outside of the Lake town centers, we suggest not to have valuables on your person. Your cell phone may be the equivalent of many months of normal work wages (to give you an idea of how people may be tempted.) Arco Isis has an amazing local staff that will help you to get around safely if needed.


If you have any other questions or concerns, please do not hesitate to get in touch with us by phone or email. Also, we would love to know how you found out about us, so when you send us your flight information, please let us know how you discovered Sacred Paths Yoga! We are looking forward to having you here, ready to embark on this life changing journey, shedding away our layers to become our truest self.


The Sacred Paths Yoga Family


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