Barbara Grunewald | Zurich, Switzerland


Sacred Paths Yoga is a wonderful school and I can highly recommend it for YTTs but also other courses that they offer. The wealth of knowledge the founders and facilitators have, the way they transmit that knowledge, the breadth of the content of the YTT as well as the way they hold space for the student is amazing. They have put a lot of thought and work in the online version of the YTT, to the point where for example they explain assists and alignment cues so clearly that the feedback I received from my first live student was that my assists were spot-on and super helpful – and that came only from learning it through the videos! The 40 days I got to spend with SPY and all the facilitators was life-changing, and I feel they prepared me the best way possible to be a yoga teacher, being able to offer a safe space and in-depth knowledge to my future students through the wholesome education I received from SPY.


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