Christy Walshe | New York


How do you put pen to paper (or fingers to keyboard) to describe the feeling of having your soul blissfully cracked open? Of floating into a shala surrounded by geckos and birds and butterflies and the jungle each morning? Of creating lasting bonds with each individual person there who you know has changed your life forever? Of feeling safe and nourished in a warm cocoon of learning and love? Of the inspiration flowing into you from your two selfless and knowledgeable teachers each day? Of feeling the most connected with spirit and nature and self than you ever have?

What I can say is that never in my life have I given myself such an amazing gift as this YTT. I searched for so long for a training that seemed right. Spirituality and learning to really LIVE my yoga on and off the mat was incredibly important for me so when I stumbled upon Sacred Paths something in me just knew it was the one.

This is not your traditional YTT. You will of course learn so many amazing things about yoga and teaching and feel very confident to pursue it as a career if so you choose to do so. But you will also see yourself in ways you never thought possible. You will grow and cry and love and leave with a stronger sense of self. I watched each person in my training blossom in our three weeks and our lives radically change for the better.


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