Kelsey Heide | Canada


Sacred Paths Yoga School really exceeded my expectations and left with me so much more than I ever expected! Not only did I gain a better understanding of yoga and its philosophies, but I also expanded a part of my spirituality and mind I didn’t even know I needed to or could. Sacred Paths is an all encompassing school when it comes to yoga teacher trainings. The cacao, sacred dance and manifestation ceremonies, followed by chants, sharing circles and other activities, really allowed us to become closer as a group of students and teachers, and for me personally opened up an entire different realm of possibilities. I now not only desire to be the best yoga teacher I can possibly be, but I also want to one day lead these types of ceremonies myself. And this is something that wasn’t even on my radar before this training! A few weeks after my training ended I was already leading classes at a studio in my hometown, and feeling more than confident and ready to do so. I would recommend this training to anyone searching for yoga and spiritual knowledge! Lacey and Darin, thank you so much for the most life changing experience I have ever had. You are sharing such a beautiful gift with the world and I hope to take many more trainings and workshops with you two!


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