Mikayla Zane | Washington, USA


Sacred Paths Yoga not only taught me how to embody the beautiful practice of yoga, but also taught me life changing habits that I cultivate daily. The few weeks I spent in Bali changed the way I will live the rest of my life. My mind, body and spirit went through a huge transition and I am forever grateful.

I am forever grateful for the experience I had in Bali with Sacred Paths Yoga. In just a few weeks, you truly feel yourself blossom into the highest version of yourself; full of light, full of peace. Learning to embody the beautiful art of yoga while being surrounded by calm serenity makes for a very spiritual transformation. Thank you!|Sacred Paths Yoga not only taught me how to embody the beautiful practice of yoga, but also taught me life changing habits that I cultivate daily. The few weeks I spent in Bali changed the way I will live the rest of my life. My mind, body and spirit went through a huge transition and I am forever grateful.

I am forever grateful for the experience I had in Bali with Sacred Paths Yoga. In just a few weeks, you truly feel yourself blossom into the highest version of yourself; full of light, full of peace. Learning to embody the beautiful art of yoga while being surrounded by calm serenity makes for a very spiritual transformation. Thank you!


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