Quinn Peace | Nebraska, USA


Sacred Paths Yoga teacher training was a wonderful and life-changing experience. Both of the teachers on site, Sri and Lindsay, were knowledgeable, compassionate, and intuitive. They were there for me and each of the students in more ways than they were required and for that I am grateful. The subject matter was well thought out and integrated. The class setting (in an open-air shala, all in a circle on yoga mats) was the most comfortable learning environment I have had the pleasure of experiencing. Mexico stole my heart and was the perfect, serene, magical setting for such an experience. The food prepared for us by Nuri was always nutritious and she was so accommodating to each and every dietary need the group of us had. All in all, I would highly recommend Sacred Paths Yoga Teacher Training in Mexico to anybody, whether they wish to become yoga teachers, deepen their practice, or just enjoy a journey of understanding the self and the environment within which we live.


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