Hana PepinFacilitator

Hana Pepin lives her dharma and truth each day by the teachings of compassion and love. She has over 5,000 hours of trainings and facilitates yoga classes both on land and in the water.

She believes yoga is a practice to expand the level of body awareness, mindfulness, and consciousness. She inspires to create positive change and independently thinking humans who trust within themselves to learn the language of their uniqueness and live it. She invites students to practice listening to their bodies while collectively holding a safe space to explore their creativity.

Her teachings are heartened to counsel seekers on their spiritual journey by learning and understanding the nature of the mind. Her core teachings come from a Buddhist tradition with influences from Celtic, Nordic, Native America, and Andean connections.

“We are blessed to have this experience of life and in this life we have the ability to transform all our old habits, our beliefs and ancestral DNA from a world of suffering to a world of love. It starts with loving our self.”


”Each bead is a seed of love to the flower of infinite wisdom and oneness that lies within us. The string is the universal self, existing in everything! The beads are you and I, the unique expressions of the whole. Together we grow in the garden of eternal bliss”.– Hana Pepin


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Jose Fabian, Shaman Healer