Thank you for proposing this wonderful question and I hope that I can help to bring some clarity to the question itself. In response to this question I hear many people say that they prefer Yoga [...]
Yoga Sutra 1.9: शब्द ज्ञाना नुपाती वस्तु शून्यो विकल्प śabda jñānā ʻnupātī vastu-śūnyo vikalpaḥ Thought that arises in the mind is imaginary. शब्द śabda – word ज्ञान [...]
Yoga Sutra 1.5: वृत्तयः पञ्चतय्यः क्लिष्टाक्लिष्टा vṛttayaḥ pañchatayyaḥ kliṣṭa akliṣtāh (vṛit-tie-a-ha pancha-tie-a-ha klish-tah Ah-klish-tah) There are five kinds of [...]
Yoga Sutra 1.4: वृत्ति सरुप्य मितरत्र vṛtti sārūpyam itaratra (vṛit-ti sah-roop-yam it-ar-ah-trah) At times when restraint is not present, the Self identifies with the contents [...]